Enrol your child today

At All Saints’, we can help young children explore new horizons through education that can set them up for life.

We are committed to providing faith-based education that supports the whole child, and to help them be a positive influence in the community.



What is the enrolment process?

  1. Apply to enrol your child into All Saints’ from early Term 3 in the year before commencement. 
  2. If your application is successful, you will have an interview with our principal and staff. 
  3. We will send you a confirmation of the offer and acceptance of enrolment, which you will need to acknowledge your acceptance in writing. 
  4. You and your child will be invited to an orientation day in either Term 3 or Term 4.

What documents do you need?

Here is a quick list of some essential documents you need to make your enrolment application smoother. Make sure to get in touch with our staff if you need support to apply.

  • Information about your child
    We need a copy of your child’s birth and immunisation certificates. We also need a copy of any sacramental certificates and school reports they may have.
  • Medical information
    If your child has a medical condition or disability, please provide a copy of your child’s treatment or management plan.
  • Proof of address
    We require a copy of your driver’s licence or latest bill to verify your address and identity.
  • Court documents
    Depending on your family situation, we may need a copy of some court documents, such as custody arrangements.
  • Download the Enrolment Form

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